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MGG Banks on Robe

Products Involved

ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorWash 700E AT™
ColorWash 700E AT™ColorWash 700E AT™
StageQube 324™
StageQube 324™StageQube 324™

ABSA Bank’s Results Presentation for 2009 was a high profile event held at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa a couple of months ago, for which locally based MGG Productions supplied all technical elements.

Once the client had approved the visual concept, it was down to MGG to recreate that environment as closely as possible within the allotted budget.

MGG looked to their 24 Robe StageQube 324 LED panels once again, and used them to make up a dynamic backdrop to the stage. This product has been in frequent use by MGG for a myriad of applications including for TV shows and concerts.

Six Robe ColorSpot 700E ATs were used to project the ABSA logo onto the walls of the room. Six “Totem” type trusses fitted with base plates were positioned along both sides of the auditorium serving as stands for these.

A straight truss over the stage was rigged with the remaining equipment, which was 6 Robe ColorWash 700E ATs used for general stage washes, 18 LED PARs and 6 profile spots, which reinforced the bank’s corporate colours.

Lighting control was a grandMA full size console, operated by MGG's Herman Wessels.

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