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Soundforce Scandinavia Makes some Noise with Robe Pointes

Jörgen Westin founded Soundforce Scandinavia 30 years ago and the busy Linköping based company can offer full production, encompassing sound, lighting, video, staging, rigging as well as busing via sister company Midnight Express and trucking as required with a fleet of artics and other sized trucks … in a truly ‘one stop’ production solution.

Recently, Soundforce has invested in Robe Pointe multi-purpose moving lights, the first in what is expected to be several more investments in the near future.

Jörgen started his professional entertainment industry as a DJ  … whilst also running his father’s supermarket business which gave him a good sense of business acumen, before deciding to focus completely on the production industry which was by this time, clearly his passion!

Soundforce works all over Sweden, Scandinavia and the rest of Europe. Concert touring is their main sector accounting for around 80 per cent of the current turnover, with the rest made up by top end corporate events, television productions and summer festivals which are hugely popular in Sweden.

Recent music tours have included In Flames (LD Fredrik Stormby), alt rockers Takida and Stiftelsen a pop-rock side project featuring Takida lead singer Robert Pettersson, which is proving very successful! Others include First Aid Kit (LD Frankie McDade) and Swedish heavy metal heroes Mustache. They are also servicing a succession of country acts from the US.

Soundforce purchased their first 17 x Robe Pointes in 2017 from Swedish distributor Bellalite as a direct response to rider requests.

They already had other moving lights in stock but have noticed “a marked increase” in demand for Robe over the last 3 years, according to project manager Krister Hedgren, and specifically since the launch of the BMFL range in autumn 2014, and the original Pointe in 2013.

“We needed a small – initially - profile fixture and that’s why we chose the Pointe” explained Jörgen, “and they’ve been a huge success since we purchased them - they are out all the time”, which is of course how it should be with any rental operation!

Before Soundforce purchased their own Pointes, a healthy amount of Robes were regularly on sub hire, a sector of the industry which is well facilitated in Sweden and Denmark by large, high quality dry hire facilities like Woodlite.

Woodlite currently has the most Robe fixtures in Sweden with around 2000 out of a total stock of around 4500 moving lights, including the BMFL family, Pointes, LEDBeam 100s, Cyc FX 8 and now MegaPointes.

This allows multiple rental and production companies the flexibility of utilizing Robe kit for riders and design requests without having to commit to a purchase of specific luminaires until convenient.

”We initially thought that the BMFL would be great for the larger shows, but it’s actually become the standard for a much wider range of events, not just the stadiums and the massive stages and arenas,” explained project manager Krister Hedgren, citing the most recent In Flames European tour which utilised 150 x BMFLs.

“Robe has a great reputation, it fits with our premium brand portfolio – including Adamson and d&b audio - and the support from the distributor is also equally important. It should ideally be a lot more than just about sales,” adds Jörgen.

With the success of the initial Pointe purchase, Soundforce are looking to invest in more Robe products this year, and are specifically looking at LEDBeam 150s next.

Jörgen, Krister and the team are all passionate and dedicated about providing their clients with the very best production values and standards. Soundforce has earned a reputation for being very approachable and accessible as well as thinking out-of-the-box with creative designs and implementation.

You can feel the great working atmosphere just walking around the offices, workshops and voluminous warehouse spaces in Linköping. Everyone there enjoys many things about the industry including being able to make a difference and add drama, excitement, emotional response and exhilaration to any performance, presentation or audience experience.

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