Robe Subsidiaries
Business Development
Popular Dutch pro lighting sales and technical specialist Jeroen van Aalst has joined the Robe International sales team as key account manager where he will be energising and coordinating sales in several important markets including The Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Slovenia, Malta, Turkey, Israel, and South Africa.
Jeroen will be working closely with the Robe distributors in all these regions, overseeing and supporting their initiatives, coordinating information, ensuring all communications channels are fluid and fully functional, assisting in client relations and exploring new ideas and markets in conjunction with their teams.
Already a well-known industry figure across The Netherlands, Jeroen has made many friends and contacts working long-term for the dynamic sales, distribution, installation, and project management company, Controllux, which is also Robe’s Benelux distributor.
He is known for his positive demeanour, uplifting smile and for being a bit of a technical nerd! Jeroen’s affable personality has opened many doors in business and established numerous lasting friendships. He enjoys both the intricacies of nurturing relationships and the buzz of being a deal-maker.
Jeroen commented, “After 23 fantastic years with Controllux, I wanted new challenges, and this is a perfect solution! I will still be dealing with some of my excellent colleagues in The Netherlands in this new Robe role … alongside my talented existing – plus some new – co-workers at Robe!
“I am hugely excited to continue working with such great people and an innovative and market-leading lighting brand!”
His relationship with Robe goes back to when the Czech company was an aspiring OEM moving light manufacturer in the early noughties, immediately before ‘Robe’ was launched as a brand.
Robe lighting s.r.o. CEO Josef Valchar stated, “It’s brilliant to welcome Jeroen onboard our diverse international team! We will enjoy his energy and enthusiasm for our brand, his human and people-focussed approach to business and his technical acumen, qualities we value highly and that align with our future vision and strategies.”
Controllux’s Marc Frijters noted that he is “happy and very proud” that Jeroen has seized the opportunity to join the Robe international team with whom he already enjoyed a close working relationship!
“It is a little sad that he’s leaving us after so many years of loyal duty, but as Robe account manager for The Netherlands, we and our customers will receive even more dedicated attention from him,” concluded Marc.
Benelux has consistently been among Robe’s top-performing European markets. For a relatively compact country in terms of land mass, there is a huge amount of activity in theatre, TV, live events and productions and much creativity. Robe is strong in The Netherlands’ rental company network which has a great reputation for excellence, and the country has a proliferation of theatres, live music, and multi-purpose performance venues.
Jeroen looks forward to growing this and all his other markets.
“I will be embracing eight vastly different cultures, learning all their special requirements and taking care that Robe stays in touch and at the sharp end of all involved in the success of the sales and support structures in each one.”
Jeroen’s appointment kicks off 2024 for Robe which promises to be every bit as outstanding a year as 2023.
Photo Credit: Louise Stickland
After 21 “brilliant” years working with Czech lighting and LED manufacturer Robe s.r.o., outgoing Global Sales Director Ingo Dombrowski will step away from the business and retire from active duties at the end of 2025!
Czech-based lighting manufacturer Robe lighting s.r.o. enjoyed its best ever year in 2024 and is expecting 2025 to be a continuation of that busy and successful trajectory.
Michel Arntz has been appointed as Global Sales Director for the Robe Group, a role involving oversight of all sales related activities for the Czech-based moving light and LED manufacturer and its associated businesses and brands, including Avolites, Anolis, LSC Systems and Artistic Licence.
Robe’s award-winning iBOLT – a unique, innovative, hugely bright moving light fixture that is the first real replacement for conventional high powered xenon searchlights – has been approved by authorities for use in the USA and is now available for the North American market.
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